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When to Use the Additional Information Section on Common App

The space looks so inviting. The word limit of 650 words opens up a world of possibilities. More is[...]

A Plan for Extracurricular Activities for Every Year of High School

The school year has begun. But before students jump in and join a lot of clubs like it’s a[...]

My Daughter Wrote Her College Essay! Here's How We Picked the Prompt

She wrote it on the five-hour trip to visit my in-laws last week. As we pulled into my husband's[...]

Have You Heard of the National Recognition Awards?

I grew up in a rural part of an overrepresented state. When people ask me where I'm from, I try to[...]

5 Things I Had My Daughter Do Before Her First College Interview

Tomorrow is my rising high school senior's first college interview. Sophie is super outgoing and[...]