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Parents and Students, I Have One Piece of Advice For You

Moms, dads, and high school seniors, I'm going to ask you to do something harder than almost[...]

Despite the ADA, Mental Health Discrimination Remains Rampant in College Admissions

Last week my husband and I were invited to a small neighborhood gathering hosted by our community's[...]

Is a College's Reputation More Important Than Finding the Right Fit?

It was 8:00 pm on Tuesday night when I took a call from a mom of a high school senior. I was[...]

Perfect or Interesting? What Colleges Really Want from Students

Earlier this week, one of our Application Nation moms whose son was admitted Early Decision to Duke[...]

Why Has College Admissions Become So Impersonal?

No matter how busy I was as an admissions officer at an Ivy League school and even when I was a[...]

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